Alaska Daily Cast, Role, Salary, Director, Producer, Trailer: Alaska Daily is an American television drama series, Which is created by Tom McCarthy for ABC channel. The show stars Hilary Swank, Jeff Perry, Matt Malloy and Grace Dove. The Tv show is set to released on October 6, 2022 on Hulu.
1. Hilary Swank as Eileen
Salary : $ 30,000 Per Episode
2. Jeff Perry as Stanley
Salary : $ 22,000 Per Episode
3. Matt Malloy as Bob
Salary : $ 17,000 Per Episode
4. Meredith Holzman as Claire
Salary : $ 15,000 Per Episode
5. Grace Dove as Roz
Salary : $ 17,000 Per Episode
6. Pablo Castelblanco as Gabriel
Salary : $ 12,000 Per Episode
7. Ami Park
Salary : $ 8,000 Per Episode
Alaska Daily Trailer