The Kardashians Season 2 Starcast Salary: The Kardashians is a Hollywood reality television series, This show focuses on the personal lives of the Kardashian and Jenner family. The new show comes off the heels of their last show called Keeping Up with the Kardashians which ended in June 2021 after a 20 season run on E channel. The show focuses mainly on sisters Kourtney, Kim and Khloé Kardashian and their half sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner and their mother Kris Jenner. The second season is premiered on September 22, 2022. Here is The Kardashians Season 2 Starcast Salary.
1. Kim Kardashian
Salary : $ 8 million Per Season
2. Kourtney Kardashian
Salary : $ 7 million Per Season
3. Khloé Kardashian
Salary : $ 4 million Per Season
4. Kris Jenner
Salary : $ 4 million Per Season
5. Kendall Jenner
Salary : $ 5 million Per Season
6. Kylie Jenner
Salary : $ 4 million Per Season
7. Travis Barker
Salary : $ 2 million Per Season
8. Scott Disick
Salary : $ 1 million Per Season
9. Tristan Thompson
Salary : $1.5 million Per Season
The Kardashians Trailer